Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day Three - Continued

Drawing and Illustrator work.  Illustrator work attached.

Day Three

Massive Data and cool projects - Making lines into full 3D images using Spin.  Illustrator Laser Cutting 3D and Etching.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Array x 2

Tricky, but needs an empty, then attach array with obj attached to array.  Crank the numbers!

My Second Day "Honey Bee"

Learned how to group grab area's and stretch with the scroll sizing the area.

Learned about inserting and Empty, then taking a piece of an object and pasting it in while using the Array, you can multi circle, or multi line the same object in an arch, straight or to create a new circular object.

"F" fills the area selected by either edge or verticies.  
The alfa channel with Ztransparent makes good bee wings.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Next lesson was the screwdriver

Tough, but the shine of chrome and colors were getting better.

Day One - 3D Render

Got the basic movements down - I need to review more of the options we covered.